Claims Services
Claims Management/Medical Cost Containment
- Aggressive Claims Handling
- Focus on Return To Work Philosophy
- In-House Nurse Case Management
- Suggested Posted Panel of Physicians
- On-Site Medical Bill Review and Fee Scheduling
- On-Line Claims Reporting via G.A.S., Inc. website (GEWCT On-line Claims Reporting Instructions)
Posted Panel of Physicians
The Posted Panel of Physicians is published by the State Board of Workers’ Compensation listing Physicians that may be used in the event of a work-related accident. The panel must be posted in a conspicuous place, at all locations, for all employees to see and read.
Effective January 1, 2002, the panel is required to maintain six physicians. At least one physician must perform orthopedic surgery. No more than two industrial clinics can be listed on your panel. Whenever feasible, one minority physician must be listed.
You are responsible for contacting the posted physicians on a quarterly basis to ensure the panel remains valid. Please verify the providers continue to accept workers’ compensation patients, are in the same practice and the correct addresses and phone numbers are posted on the panel.
If you would like to replace or add a physician to your panel, please contact Karen Sprouse at 800/507-4622 with your request.
When you replace your panel, always keep the old panel in a file with the date you took it down for reference on prior claims.
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights is published by the State Board of Workers’ Compensation explaining the injured worker’s rights and the employer’s responsibilities. This form should be posted beside your Posted Panel of Physicians in a conspicuous place, at all locations, for all employees to see and read.
WC-1 First Report of Injury
The State Board Form WC-1 Employer’s First Report of Injury is a form published by the State Board of Worker’s Compensation for the employer to complete for every workplace injury. In addition, State Board Form WC-6 Wage Statement must be filed if weekly benefits are less than the maximum.
To learn more about our claims services or to inquire about membership, contact us today.